
2024 Chestnut St.


In an area of town ripe with trendy folks and social media fads sits the Horseshoe, a mostly undisturbed watering hole with roots in SF history. Sitting on Chestnut St since 1934, this old school tavern still has several horseshoes that were laid into the floor with the rest of the tile. Once a trail up to the horse betting bookie operation upstairs, they now lead people to a fine cocktail or cold beer.

Long time favorite SF bartender Gary Locke, has been tending bar at “the Shoe” for well over a decade. He shows me the beautiful murals that have been painted above the bar during covid. They show Frida Kahlo kissing a monkey down the bar from Salvador Dali or another panel has Nat King Cole chatting up Bonnie Raitt. Then are fun, beautiful, intriguing and reminiscent of the ceiling at Philosophers Club over in West Portal. Gary tells me that it is indeed the same talented local artist, Debbie Sullivan.

